I hate children. They have these fucking disgusting, sticky little claw-like hands that are always trying to touch you or your clothes, or the food you are eating. I swear if a fucking kid tries to touch my face with their fucking sickness spreading fingers I wont be able to restrain from throwing their stupid, oddly shaped, soft skull into a fucking wall. Chalk up another retarded waterhead who shits themselves and smears it on the window. Kids fucking suck! I hate the sight of them. No matter where I am, if one of those booger faced piss factories are nearby I instantly get angry and just want to put my size 12 through their stupid face. They fucking ruin everything. If they start fucking crying then that's it. I FUCKING HATE THEM! I want a vasectomy. You are not cute. Your little clothes look stupid. Tie your own fucking shoes you little fucks! I want to smash you with my truck. I just want to pick you up around the waist and smash your dumb drool covered face into the floor like I was hammering nails with your ugly head. Your toys are stupid. Here's some battery acid, go ahead and drink it. Enjoy your stupid little coffin. Everyone in your kindergarten class hated you anyway. You're a bitch. Jesus hates you. Santa wishes you were dead. Your mother's a prostitute and no one knows who your dad is. Who the fuck would admit to producing you anyway. You're a fucking disgrace. Come over here I want to shit on you.
Seriously keep your fucking kids away from me. I want to know how far my fist will go into a kids face if I propped them up against a wall and punched them as hard as I could. Parents, if I hear you speak in "baby talk", I'm going to snap your stupid kids neck. Well, that's all for now. Have as nice day. Blow it in her mouth and we won't need to have this talk again. Kill Yourself.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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You brutal bastard. ;-)